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After Sunset Page 6

  Contrary to what myths said, were-serpents did not eat the rodents of the field. They preferred meat. A lot of meat. Usually, a were-serpent would eat every day several times a day for a week and wouldn’t eat for another month. Becoming too full was akin to being drunk, and since serpents needed to always have their wits about them, gluttony was their enemy. He knew of only one place that would have everything he wanted, so he journeyed to T’s restaurant.

  Not wanting to contemplate his reasoning, he quickly stood from his covered booth and walked over to Winter.

  “Hello,” he said quietly.

  Winny’s eyes left the window and widened when they landed on him. The man was dressed in a simple pair of jeans with a white t-shirt. The contrast was striking against his dark skin. She didn’t take him for a jeans and t-shirt kind of guy. Nevertheless, he looked amazing. She shouldn’t have been shocked. He would probably look great wearing a paper bag.

  “Hi,” she answered breathlessly.

  The two stared at one another until Zahir cleared his throat and gestured to the space across from her.

  “Do you mind if I sit?” he asked.

  She shook her head before offering a rueful smile. “No, have a seat.”

  As he slid into the plush booth, Winny watched as he was barely able to fit his large frame between the table and the seat, revealing just how tall he was. The booths were pretty spacious, but the man standing before her took up a lot space.

  “It seems I’m fated to run into you or your brother as of late. He stopped by my shop today,” she said before taking a sip of her drink.

  Zahir folded his arms across his chest. “Yes, he told me. He was quite happy that you were displeased with me. Understandably,” Zahir answered her wryly.

  She could see a bit of humor in his eyes and in the crook of his mouth, and it made her heart flutter. What in the world is wrong with me? He’s just a good-looking guy. Nothing more, and nothing less.

  Even as she said the words, she knew they were a complete lie.

  “What are-”

  “I should-”

  The two paused, before breaking into silent laughter.

  Winny shook her head before shrugging. “It seems we both have something to say. You can go first if you want,” she said softly.

  Zahir looked into her warm brown eyes and found the words tumbling out of his mouth.

  “I wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier. I was rude and it was very wrong for me to come into your store in that manner.”

  “You were rude, and it was wrong,” she agreed.

  His lip quirked up a bit at the corner. “Yes, ma’am,” he drawled out. “I wanted to protect my brother. He’s very important to me. There are a lot of people who’ve tried to come against my family over the years, and I wanted to make sure that your kindness wasn’t a ploy to get something in return.”

  Winny studied his face and she could see in his eyes that he was telling the truth. Call her crazy, but ever since she was a little girl she could always sense when someone was lying or telling the truth. Her mother called it her woman’s intuition. Her father would only look at her and smile. It was very useful in her life, and especially now.

  “I can see that your brother means a lot to you. He feels the same.”

  Surprise shone across his face as he took in her words. “He said that to you?”

  “Not in so many words,” She joked. “But I can tell that he cares about you. It must be nice. Having a sibling.”

  “Not in so many words,” he repeated, which caused her to laugh. “It is. I can trust him.”



  “I accept your apology,” she said, offering him a bright smile. Zahir’s breath caught at the light in her eyes and the way her smile transformed her face. If he thought she was beautiful before, it was nothing compared to when she smiled.

  “Thank you,” he said just as quiet, not wanting to break the peace they settled on. Zahir couldn’t stop his eyes from roving over her face. He could tell that she was somewhat wary but he admired she never broke eye contact.

  “So, what brings you here at this late hour?” she said lightly, steering the conversation to safer waters. He leaned back in his seat before unfolding his arms and setting his hands on the table, not too far from her elegant fingers. He didn’t want to question why not seeing a ring on her finger made him happy.

  “You could say that I’m a bit of a night owl.”

  “Ah. A night person, huh? That’s probably why you were so cranky when you came into my shop the other day,” she quipped.

  His eyes widened for a second before he smirked at her. “I deserved that. But to answer your question, I do sleep. It’s just tonight I felt a bit restless. So, I decided to come here. I’ve been coming here for a long time.”

  Maya brought over Winny’s plate, smiling at the two before sauntering off to the front.

  “Are you not eating?” she said as she cut into her food.

  He shook his head. Serpents, when they were really hungry, preferred to eat alone. It was dangerous to eat with another the way he was earlier.

  “I already ate. I’ve been here awhile,” he answered.

  She nodded before cutting into her dish. Watching her full lips wrap around her food as she pulled it from the fork, moaning from the explosive flavors hitting her tongue, had him hard instantly. It also reminded him that it’d been a while since he sat down with a woman and just talked.

  The way she keeps licking her lips is making me… “You own Bayou Books?” he asked quickly, needing to distract himself from his wayward thoughts.

  She set down her fork before answering him. “I do. It was a dream realized a little later in life, but a dream I was determined to make a reality.” And it was. Even after her parent’s death, she knew that there was some purpose in her life. The only comfort she had was always found in books, and she figured by opening a store full of them she’d be around what gave her strength.

  Zahir could see the pride in her face and it made him want to know more. When she didn’t elaborate, his curiosity was sparked.

  “You’ve not been out here for too long?”

  “Is it that noticeable that I’m not a native?”

  “Oh, most definitely,” he said chuckling. “The accent is a dead giveaway. But more than that, people move slower down here. You don’t strike me as the type of person who slows down for much in life.”

  She traced an elegant finger around the edge of her plate, while keeping her eyes glued to his. “Your skills of perception are spot-on, sir. I’m from California. The pace is much quicker out there, but I have to admit, I’ve enjoyed the change.” Pushing her hair behind her ear, she felt it was only fair to ask him a question.

  “And you? Where are you from? You have a slight southern accent, but it’s mixed with something else,” she stated.

  He gave her an easy smile which made the man even more handsome. She was about to swallow her tongue.

  Good lord Winny pull it together! You act as if you’ve never seen an attractive man before!

  “I’m from all over. I’ve lived in a lot of places. But I was born where life originated, where all of civilization began.”

  “Africa,” she breathed.

  “Libya to be precise. After my brother was born, my family and I moved to Egypt and stayed until I was an adult.”

  Until the wars began.

  Winny rested her chin on her folded hands as she studied him. “I can’t even imagine what it would be like living somewhere so beautiful. I’ve always wanted to go. Maybe one day,” she sighed.

  “Maybe one day,” Zahir repeated. He found himself wanting to be the man who took her wherever she wanted to go. It was preposterous for him to feel such strong emotion after only one encounter.

  “There’s this ice-cream place not too far from here. Would you like to accompany me?” Surprise and delight shone quickly on her face before she tried to cover it. “I don’t k

  Zahir. It’s already pretty late.”

  “2 am to be precise.”

  “My point exactly,” she said looking at her watch and back at him. “Plus, I just ate a huge meal-”

  “You don’t like dessert?”

  “I do. But-”

  “Are you trying to find a reason not to go?” he joked, eyes dancing with mischief.

  “I’m not trying to find a reason—”

  “I mean, you strike me as the type of woman who could take care of herself. That is, unless you’re afraid of something. If so, you probably would like to head home,” he said, his tone easy, yet his words daring her, calling her out.

  Winny’s eyes narrowed. Well played Zahir. Clearing her throat, she slid from out of the booth. “Fine. I’ll go. But after that, you’re walking me back to the bookstore.”

  “Or I could walk you home,” he suggested, satisfied that he had persuaded her.

  When he stood, Winny crossed her arms over her chest, craning her neck up to him. “Nice try. Let me pay Maya and-”

  Shaking his head, he grabbed her elbow and gently steered her out of the restaurant. On the way out he told Maya to put Winny’s meal on his bill. She attempted to protest but refrained when Zahir shot her a look, silencing her. She would be wise, picking and choosing her battles with care. For now.

  Maya smiled and agreed she would.

  As the two exited the restaurant, they failed to see the man in the shadows watching them. The man could see the enraptured look on the serpent king’s face and felt his own interest perk up at the human woman walking beside him, laughing at something.

  “Interesting,” the man smirked before walking away.


  Davien Hunter was pissed.

  He had his spies out all this past week and with each report, he grew more incensed. Zahir Slade had done the impossible. He had somehow swung a unification with the Glacier family, which would’ve been impossible to achieve had the recently deceased patriarch still been breathing. Walker Glacier, the new head, obviously had an agenda. His sudden closeness to the Slade family was sending a message. It was clear where their loyalties lay.

  “Ah!” he shouted in frustration as he hurled his glass into the fire.

  He was so close to taking the Slade family down. The man had taken everything from him. Even played a part in killing his mother, which in turn, had caused his father go insane until he killed himself. He wanted Zahir to suffer. And the only way to do that? Kill his brother. Akachi Slade was a dead man.

  Davien’s den was starting to gain power. They were starting to amass a following, but more importantly, the other were-creatures were starting to see the benefit of removing dictatorship from their world.

  The following was strong, but not strong enough to give him the power he needed. He called from the spirits and after months, scratch that, years of trying to request a session with the man who held enough power to grant his desire, he was met with silence. Davien was frustrated, but more importantly, he was tired of being second best.

  That’s what he’d been doing his entire life.

  Davien was of mixed blood, conceived of two kinds. Having a human mother and a were-panther father had made him an automatic pariah. The union between humans and duals at the time was unheard of, not to mention illegal. However, because of their love, he was born, and it caused a major uproar within the were-panther community. Since the beginning, Davien had been fighting for his right to exist and he had prevailed. The world was against him, but what did it matter? His parents loved him, and although they lived on the outskirts of his father’s pack, they still had what they needed.

  But never what they wanted. Until-


  His mother had been a casualty of their incompetence. The incompetence of the Slade Dynasty. Because of leaders and their lack of action, his mother had been killed.

  The Slade Dynasty, what a joke.

  Davien snarled at the name. These men. Supposed great leaders from the old world. Immortal and the closest thing to God most would ever see. But Davien knew it was all crap. And he wanted them to pay.

  But how could you even get close enough?

  For the past several months he’d been trying. Leaders from other covens meeting with him in secret. Wary of agreeing to anything, but pledging loyalty should he take over. The only group that hadn’t spurned him completely were the witches. But, their leader already wanted the eldest, Zahir, dead. That being said, convincing them wouldn’t be difficult.

  Thanks to the assistance from the witches, he had been able to gain traction for his underground movement initially. However, as of late, things had come to a standstill. Davien knew that although he had gained a following in such a short amount of time, it still wasn’t enough to upset the balance completely. Davien had searched high and low for anything to hold over the Slades to no avail. The brothers kept to themselves, and rarely confided in anyone other than each other. He shouldn’t be surprised. Were-serpents weren’t exactly socializers.

  But every man has a weakness, and I will figure it out.

  Frustrated with his thoughts, Davien stood from his desk and strode over to the door only to find it locked. He frowned before pulling at the knob, then decided to use his strength. When it still didn’t budge, he began to call for his assistant but paused. Something in the air had shifted, a cool breeze entered the room. Turning swiftly, his allowed his panther to surface, ready to kill whoever entered his lair. He saw the fire become extinguished and growled.

  “Show yourself, now,” he demanded.

  Instead of granting Davien’s wish immediately, he heard a deep chuckle. He couldn’t place the voice as it reverberated around the room.

  “If that is what you wish,” The voice said almost mockingly, after a momentary silence.

  The voice inspired fear in Davien, causing his heart to pound loudly. Perhaps requesting the presence to show itself hadn’t been the wisest decision.

  Suddenly the fire roared back to life, and Davien’s eyes quickly scanned the room. He had to hold back his gasp of horror at the man, no creature in front of him. What a sight it was. The thing in front of him was of average height, which was the only characteristic one could say was normal. It was completely covered in red and black skin that looked to be infected. He had no clothes on, but it did not appear to have any genital identifiers on his body. The creature’s eyes were completely black and soulless, and Davien could see from the door how long his nails were. They were sharpened into claws and were the same fathomless black of his eyes. He moved from one window to another as if he were restless. Although he had no ears, Davien knew the creature could hear him clearly. When Davien took a quick inhale of breath, the creature’s head snapped back in his direction before he became deathly still.

  “Breathing. I haven’t heard that sound in a long time,” he said from the opposite side of the room. Davien watched as he processed his words before a wide ear-splitting grin took over his face. Instead of feeling relieved by the creature’s smile, Davien felt his fear triple.

  His smile showcased rows of teeth. They were elongated, sharpened in the same way as his nails. His menacing grin displayed the two tongues occasionally whipping out of his mouth into the air.

  “Who are you, and why are you here?” Davien questioned with more bravado than he felt. Quickly, and before he could blink, the creature was standing right in front of him, inhaling his scent.

  “It’s been so long since I’ve smelled new flesh,” he said before making an eerie clicking sound with his tongue.

  Davien at this point was terrified but was determined to not show it. “I asked you a question. I said-”

  “I’ve heard you,” he hissed back just as quickly. The fascination left his eyes, and in its place was something more sinister. Something colder than death itself.

  Davien closed his mouth. “I apologize,” he said quietly. The beast growled before turning and speeding over to the large floor to ce
iling windows behind his desk. Davien saw the third eye sitting on the back of his head and it was locked on him. The beast folded his hands behind his back.

  “I’ve heard your cry,” the voice said quietly. “I’ve heard your cry, and I have decided to grant your wish.”

  Davien was confused. “Heard my cry? What are you talking about? I think you have the wrong person. I’ve not spoken to anyone, nor asked for any help. Now, if you could-”

  “You’ve spoken my name in your chants. Chants you’ve sent out to the witches, and I heard what you desire most.”

  Eyes wide in sudden understanding, Davien fell to his knees before bowing low to the ground. He suddenly felt the dark presence looming over him and it caused him to shake involuntarily.

  He swallowed before speaking reverently. “My Lord Raven! I have been calling on you for a long time. I apologize once more for my tedious questions.”

  Instead of speaking, Raven let Davien continue.

  “And you are right, my lord. I do wish to have complete dominion over all duals.”

  “What is the real reason for this takeover? It cannot be only for power. Power comes and goes. There has to be a logical reason. Zahir,” Raven said slowly, contempt clear in his voice as he continued, “is the current leader of the world in this realm. Going against him could result in your instantaneous death.”

  Davien swallowed the protest on his lips and said instead, “He is not fit to lead.”

  Raven’s voice now came from the corner of the room. “That’s not the real reason you want to lead. You want vengeance. I can practically smell it oozing from your pores. Please understand, Mr. Hunter, I do not have time to play guessing games. Now tell me the truth. What do you want from me? ”

  Davien rebelled and raised his eyes to the creature now kneeling on the floor in the same position as him.

  “I want Zahir and Akachi Slade dead. He played a part in the death of my mother, and for that, I will have my revenge.”

  The creature studied him for a long while before standing. “Get up, Davien,” he commanded.

  Davien swallowed before obeying. When they were eye to eye, a long scroll appeared into the beast’s hand.